A document is the formatted display/layout of a Preset.
In turn, a Preset is a predefined display for the participants’ content. When creating a Preset you can choose which columns to display; choose which column to sort by; limit the number of participants listed; filter by column; or group participants.
There are two ways to modify the preset included within a document:
The first is by modifying the preset and reinserting it into document. To do this:
- Search and select the Preset that you want to modify, click on “apply.”
- Modify the Preset in participants by adding or eliminating columns, filters or changing the order in which it is presented.
- Once you have made the changes, search the preset that you want to modify so that you can overwrite it.
- Click on overwrite.
- In the pop up window, confirm that you want to modify the preset.
After this process go to the document that you want to modify.
- Remove the preset from the document.
- Add the modified preset.
- Change to format to make it look more appealing.
The second option is to modify a present inisde a document. For this:
- Go to documents.
- Search for the document that you want to modify. Remember that if the document is from another user, you first have to clone it in order to edit it.
- Go to edit documents.
- You will see the preset has been inserted into the body of the document, as shown in the image.
- Click on any of the Preset´s column, then you will be able to see all of the options for editing a Preset. In the example, when double clicking on the “Category” column, the options are displayed in the upper area:
- Add a column to the left of the selected column.
- Add a column to thje right of the selected column.
- Eliminate the selected column.
- If you eliminate a column, you can continue editing.
- If you add a new column, you should select the data it will contain. You should fill in the header and column content.
- Add the title of the new column to give it a format:
- In the body of the column it is possible to select different values within the data for a participant, for example: gender, or the time at a checkpoint.
- You can also use the value selection feature if you want to modify an already created preset without adding any columns. For example, you have a preset in which you show the time of the intermediate point 5K, but in the next race you are going to time, the intermediate point is at km 5. Using this option you can select the official time of the 4K instead of the 5K, and of course, you can change the title of that column.
A few things to consider:
- Even if you modify fields in the document, the data will be filtered, sorted and grouped by the Preset.
- Note that adding or deleting a new column will not modify the preset in the participants section.
- This change will only apply to the document in which you have added or deleted columns.