You can access your dashboard through the left side menu. Once inside, you can customize it with the widgets that you find the most useful.
- Access the “Dashboard” section in the left side menu.
- Click on the “+” icon in the right sidebar.
- Click on the widget you want to add to the dashboard and it will appear in it. You can also drag and drop it.
You can configure the widgets by clicking on the icon of the gear (A), delete them by clicking on the icon of the cross (B) or change their size and shape by dragging from the lower right corner of the widget (C). You can sort them within the dashboard as you want by dragging and dropping them.
Widgets available in the dashboard
- Race status: shows the correct readings at each point, the last time you have received a reading at that point and if you have a timing device connected.
- Commentator: shows the athletes that arrive in the chosen split, in order of arrival.
- Readings flow: shows the ranges of tags you are receiving at all points of the race.
- Read tags: shows the tags read at a point in the range of 1 minute.
- Raws statistics: shows the URL for TSSocket and the timing points from which you have received readings.
- Out of range tags: if you have added a tag sequence, you will see tags that have been read out-of-range.
- Trophies: shows the trophies and if they are completed or not.
- Athletes status: shows athletes grouped by state.
- Below MST readings: shows a summary of readings that do not fulfil the minimum split time.