To facilitate the timing of some events, a selector has been added where you will be able to select the method of calculation by position for any of the events in a race.
When you create a new event within a race you must select the start type for that event.
There are 2 types of wave:
- Starts (Wave): From the shot, whistle or any means. Each participant has a previously assigned wave. Waves are created in the “Waves” section under event configuration. There can be one or several waves and you must start each of them manually in the “Waves” section.
You will select this type of wave when you have to use the official time calculation method which is used in most races. By using this method you will be able to obtain rankings by official time and rankings by net time.
Using this type of wave, the official position will always prevail, both in copérnico and for displaying results in the APP.
- From reading: By selecting this type of wave, copérnico will create an individual start (wave) for each of the participants based on their wave reading in the location that has been setup as wave type and the action of “giving a start” will be automatic.
The first consequence is that official times and net times will be the same, since each participant’s wave will be automatically created. If you configure the event with this type of wave, the position and the net time will be the one that will prevail when displaying live results in the APP.
Note that, as it is a wave, the last reading rule will still apply, meaning that the wave will be created and discontinued until it no longer receives readings at that point or has received a reading at another point.
What are the implications of using wave type apart from the readings?
- The most obvious is that you cannot use this type of calculation if you are not going to readings per wave.
- The wave option disappears in the event setup. It is not compatible if the athlete has an assigned wave.
- When setting up this type of wave, copérnico internally creates an individual wave for each of the participants based on their wave reading.
- As each participant has his wave, you will be able to edit start time for each of them individually.
In the athletes details (under participants) we have created a new field “start time” that you can unlock to modify the participant’s start time.
By having an individual wave for each participant, the minimum time at each of the checkpoints of the race will be calculated from the start of each participan
- By having an individual wave for each participant, the minimum time at each of the checkpoints of the race will be calculated from the start of each participant.
But what happens if we lose a reading at a participants start time?
Currently, the athlete will not have a wave and therefore will not qualify even if they have a raw time at the finish. You must manually edit the start time so that their wave is created and they are classified.
In the future, we are working on a times backup to use the date and time of the event as the participant’s start time, allowing the participant to have the result from the start time we have configured.
Also, as mentioned above, if you need to edit their start time you can do it from participants.
- In the case that you are timing 2 events with different start types and you need to change an event participant, when you change them to the event with the start type from reading, it will not allow you to select a start for this participant.
- In trophies, the option of calculation type by net time or official time will no longer be avaiable when setting the start type from reading.
When can you use wave type?
Whenever the calculation of positions implies that the official position will be equal to the net time position.
For example, in any time trial type event without official position.
In addition, this new functionality will facilitate the timing of events with an indeterminate start. That is, participants can be starting the race at any time of the day without having a specific start time.