

Customizing data tables

Copérnico table feature enables the display of complex data, such as participants or teams. This component allows you to create custom display modes adapted to any situation.

In the “Participants” section you can customize the columns that are displayed. The columns that you have uploaded with the import of participants will be available.

What can we customize in a table?

  • Column display: columns, order and size.
  • Filter the data.
  • Sort the data.
  • Group the data.
  • Limit the data.

To this:


  1. Click on “Customize table” at the bottom right and a side menu with all available information fields will be displayed.

Personalizar tabla para presets

  1. Select the fields you want to be displayed on the screen. There are several elements that will make your work easier: field finder, explanatory legend, data grouping (times, attributes…), show all and hide all… The fields that are being displayed are marked in blue.

Selecciona los campos para el preset

  1. Sort the columns by drag & drop: Copérnico displays a default column sorting that may not be the one you want. Select the column you want to move and hold down the right mouse button, move the column and until you reach the desired position and release.

Ordena las columnas

  1. Apply the filters you need: in Copérnico there are two ways to apply the filters and their use will depend on whether the field is visible in participants or not:
    • If the field is not visible: because the column is hidden, click on the filter icon next to the search engine. Find the field in the pop-up menu and filter it by the value you want.

Filtro de campo no visible

  • If the field is visible: place the cursor over the field (column) you want to filter, click on the filter icon and select the value you want to filter by or enter it.
  1. Sort the values: Copérnico allows alphabetical and numerical sorting, ascending or descending, and by clicking on the arrow at the top of the column, you can indicate or change the direction of sorting. If you want to sort column values or hidden fields, or if you have more than one sorting criteria, we have to talk about advanced sorting:
    • Click on the sort icon next to the filter icon.

Ordenación avanzada de campos

  • Select the column you want to sort from the pop-up menu and the sorting direction.
  • Add a sorting criterion: you can first follow one sorting order and after the criterion, you can change it. This can be useful when you make groupings and want to show some data before others. By dragging & dropping you can change the order of the criteria. The one on the top will take precedence over the ones below. In the example, you see it will sort first by category and then by position.

For both categories and trophies, the order is from top to bottom. So, in categories, you will have to select the display as a table if you want to change the order.

  1. Group by different criteria to display more specific data. For example, group by category to create a specific preset that shows the position by category. With double or triple filtering you can make a grouping by output and category, to group the winners by category for each of the specific outputs. Groupings are used depending on the needs of the test: groupings by team type or by category are usually common. To group, select “Group by” from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the Participants or Teams screen.

Agrupación de criterios en presets

  1. Limit the rows: you can limit the number of athletes or teams to be displayed in the preset. If you set a limitation of 10 rows, only 10 athletes or teams will be displayed. But if you have a grouping by categories, the limitation will apply to each of the categories, i.e. 10 rows will be displayed in each of the categories and, if there are 10 categories, 100 athletes will be displayed. To limit, enter the limit in the “row limit” field in the lower right corner of the Participants or Teams screen.

Limite de filas en presets

Column Section 

All: shows all the columns. If you can not find a column you can display the section of all or use it in the search box.

General rankings: columns related to general positions. In the example we can see the position by split.

Race: columns related to the timing of the race.

Personal: columns with personal information of the participant.

Start times: “Start raw time” (day and time the athlete started); and “Net start time” (difference between the time at which the athlete crossed the start and the time of the wave that was assigned to him).

Official time: columns with official time per split.

To generate documents with classifications it is recommended to add intervals and not splits. The positions are calculated from the interval and not from the split.

Net Time:  columns with net time per split. The net time is the tag’s time.

TOD (time of day) times:  columns with the time of passage, in time of day, by split.

Gender rankings: Ranking columns according to gender by split.

Category rankings: Ranking columns according to category by split.

Interval times: columns for the intervals created in the race. They can’t be edited in the table: to change the time of an interval it is necessary to change the time of the splits that integrate them.

Remember that you can create custom presets to quickly change the columns you are viewing.

Custom columns

By clicking on the </> icon in the righ, a pop-up window for managing custom columns appears.

Here you can create custom columns in javascript. If you have any questions when creating columns you can contact us for help.

We have created some custom columns as an example, you just have to click on it to add it to your table.

You can also modify a column you have selected to match your needs.

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