

Connecting a device remotely

To connect a box remotely, you must first have created your race and TimingPoints in Sportmaniacs.
  1. Open the box menu.
  2. Click on “Settings”. ⚙️
  3. Click on the blue edit icon next to “Race Settings”.
  4. Click on “Create one”.
  5. Choose the race you want to time from the list.
  6. Choose the timing point you are going to time with that box.
    Connecting a box remotely - Step 6
  7. Check the filters that have been created with your race settings, enable or disable them as needed, and click ‘Save’.
  8. Set the start date, end date and time for the box in that timing point.
  9. Click on “Save”.
  10. Click on “Yes” in the pop-up window and accept by clicking on the green tick that will appear on the screen.
    Connecting a box remotely

The race name, timing point and time zone will appear in the “Race Settings” field on the configuration screen.

In the home screen of the box you will see that the name of the race and the timing point are visible at the top when the time you have set comes.

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