A GPX file contains a time stamp and distance markers for a run. All smartwatches or GPS-enabled sports watches save a GPX file when the user performs a sports session such as running, cycling, walking or swimming. These files are used to time virtual races when the participant only runs with his or her sports watch.
A GPX file can be uploaded to any virtual race. To upload a GPX file you need the URL or destination address where the files need to be uploaded. This URL address is provided to participants who only use a watch, not a mobile phone, in order to upload their GPX files themselves.
There is a 5-minute time gap between the upload of one GPX file and the next, to avoid errors occurring. That is, if you upload a file, and try to upload another file, it takes 5 minutes to allow it.
This is a URL address:
It consists of two components:
https://exercise-upload.copernico.cloud/ –> constant and common component for all races.
carrera-de-la-mujer-sevilla-2020 –> URL with the name of the race in Copérnico. It is the variable component for each race: you can copy it in race edition.
https://cronochip.app.copernico.cloud/races/ race-of-the-woman-sevilla-2020
With this, you can now build a URL. For example:
When loading this URL in the destination address, a screen will appear asking for identification. This identification can be by reference code, by registration code or Identification, and by date of birth. This will depend on how the login is configured in the race.
No matter what type of identification is necessary, if the race consists of several events the user must select the event for which he/she wants to upload the GPX file.
In Copérnico you can check if the GPX files uploaded by you for the participant are correctly uploaded.