Passive timing systems
These are the most widely used timing systems. Used for timing any type of sporting discipline: running, cycling, obstacles, triathlons, MTB… combined with the different types of tags, you can time any competition.

The reliable and easy to use UHF reader. Ready for any race you set out to time.

The smallest and lightest. Perfect for races with the most daring locations.

Passive tags
Disposable, reusable or multisport. Choose the chip that suits you best for your event.

Obstacle course racing
Mud and sand can be trapped both on the tag and the antennas, we explain how to get reliable readings.

At places that are hard to get, you can use the TSPortable. It’s so easy even if used by volunteers with no experience in timing.

Open water
You’ll only need timing devices to set up a finish line. Use the multisport chip, perfect for timing water races.

Carrera a pie
Utiliza nuestro sistema TS2, antenas de suelo y chips desechables para tus carreras de running.

Puedes usar antenas de suelo o laterales, pero te recomendamos las primeras. Te contamos por qué.

Utiliza nuestro chip multisport, reutilizable y resistente al agua, para cronometrar triatlón y duatlón.

Antennas and channels set up
Learn how to set up antennas according to the available material and the sport discipline:
- Configuration with floor antennas.
- Configuration with side antennas.
- Mixed configuration (with floor and side antennas).
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