Why is Copérnico the timing software of all and for all?
After 15 years timing all type of sports, we decided to create our own timings software based on our experience with other software in the industry. For the first versions of Copérnico, we also involved some of our customers so that they started timing with Copérnico and gave us feedback about its usability, power, stability… and asked us for more features, thus creating the most complete software on the market.
It doesn’t matter if you are timing running races or triathlons, if you need UCI, ITU or World Athletics regulations or if you have a multi-day stage race. We have been working hard for more than 3 years with a device of 5 people to be able to offer you a comprehensive solution that covers all your needs. That’s why we say that it is the timing software for all; we have created it among the great family of timingsense timers, and for everyone, because it allows you to time any event and discipline.
Copérnico is a software designed by timers and product designers for timers. Every detail of usability has been taken care of over the years to make it very intuitive and easy to learn.
First you need to know that you can use either Copérnico online where all the functionalities are in the cloud or Copérnico offline, so that you can also time where there is no stable internet connection. In this way, with Copérnico online you can give support and help to other timers with little or no experience from anywhere in the world. This will allow you to time several races at the same time.
Copérnico’s technology is not built on servers but on microservices, so it is a scalable and completely stable technology. Let’s say that to take down Copérnico you would have to take down Amazon’s AWS.
If you’ve already used some other timing software, you’re gonna love what’s coming next.
Race control
Full control of the race from it is created and configured: it is so easy and visual to create a race in Copérnico that you can spot errors at a glance.
You can create a customised control panel with the information you need to control everything from widgets.
Create rules to automatically detect errors and issues, for example: change participants event, disqualify them, add penalties… and of course access the history of actions taken to know what and who has done what with the option to undo and take the race back to a previous state.
Reports and APIs without code
We have created a visual language so powerful and intuitive that you can create documents or reports without a single line of code and you can use both from one career to another.
Do you know how much work you will save? The result is amazing. We have carefully thought through how to leverage documents and APIs from one race to another without the need to modify them. Don’t modify your documents and results APIs even if the race has different checkpoints and athlete data. Print in seconds or display trophy winners in the Live app without modifying a single line of code.

Copérnico has two major APIs: a global entry API that can be connected to any registration platform so you don’t have to import CSV files anymore, and a real-time results API. Each preset that you create in a visual and simple way, becomes an endpoint of the results API that you can share.
Unlimited new features
Copernico’s architecture has allowed us to develop a plugin system, which makes it possible to quickly develop new functionalities without having to touch the core: kiosks, countless screens, bib delivery, runner tracking, control panels, real-time results display, analytics, alarms… practically everything you can imagine can be created in a plugin.
And in 2022 Copérnico will offer developers the option to create plugins and make them available for sale to other timers in a proprietary marketplace. This will allow Copérnico to grow exponentially in functionality while basic and some not-so-basic services will always be secured by timingsense in the basic Copérnico licence.
A timing software for all
It so happens that the opening sentence of this article: a timing software for all is not a marketing slogan. When we say it’s for everyone, it’s because it’s already integrated with MyLaps, IPICO and Chronotrack devices. If you are using other timing systems, we are going to work on the integration with the main ones in the market: contact us and we’ll talk about it.
What does this mean? You don’t need to change your timing devices if you want to use Copérnico. For the moment, request a trial here and you have 3 months to use it with your devices. And we’ll talk to you in three months.
Documentation & Support
We are very aware of the current state of the timing industry, in fact, we have a post dedicated to the future of this sector after this last year. But we believe that this is the best time to make a change that will mean your growth. We have clients who already manage Copérnico almost better than us: they have taken advantage of this mandatory break to train and learn because they know that when this situation is lifted, all the races that have not been held, plus many more new ones, will come to us.
We also know how difficult it is to learn how to time or the complexity of changing timing software. OK, it’s also a bit lazy. That’s why we have created different levels of product documentation and support for our customers.
On the one hand, we have made the Copérnico Academy training website available to those who purchase a Copérnico licence, where through courses you can learn to use Copérnico from the most basic level to the most advanced level, and it includes specific courses on the use of the Live and Virtual Races applications. It is a training system created by our timers, fully guided and with final questionnaires to check that you have assimilated the contents.
On the other hand, there is timingsense Academy, which is a quick consultation platform for resolving queries in real-time. In this case, the documentation is open to any user, whether they are customers or not. But if you also have Copérnico, you can access all the content from the same Copérnico interface.
And finally we have the jewel of Copérnico: our timers. All our customers have a 24h race incident hotline throughout the weekend or email support. If you have any doubts during a race, just call our timers and they will give you a hand.
So, anyone can change timing software, right?