

Connecting via the cloud to a pre-existing race

To connect to a race via the cloud using the app, you must first set up the race and the splits in Sportmaniacs.
Be sure that the RFID reader is switched on by pressing the trigger.

After you start your session, you will see a list of races that you have created in Sportmaniacs.

  1. Choose the race you will be timing from the “Races” list.
    Connecting via the cloud to a pre-existing race - Step1
  2. Choose the timing point you will be working with in TSPortable from the “Locations” list.
    Connecting via the cloud to a pre-existing race - Step3

Once you have selected the location, the app will connect to the reader automatically and you will be able to start timing. If it is unable to establish a connection, select your reader from the list which will appear automatically.

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