Timing an obstacle course racing
Water, mud, ramps, ropes… For timing an obstacle course you need a multi-purpose devices! Lucky you, we have the perfect combination: very reliable timing equipment and a very resistant reusable tag
What do you need for timing an obstacle course?

The most reliable passive UHF timing system.

Floor antennas
They are the recommended choice for any timing point in obstacle races.

Side antennas
The perfect alternative if ground conditions don’t allow you to use floor antennas. If you use these antennas, be aware that you need to plan on which channel each device should transmit, if you have two devices nearby or an 8 antennas TS2 device.

Multisport chip
The most resistant choice for passive systems, with high-quality neoprene strap.
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Setting up timing points in an obstacle course racing
For timing an obstacle course race, you would normally set up a finish and intermediate points required by the race.
The start may vary greatly, depending on the race. It may not have a start point or it may start in waves.
Recommendation: if each wave have few people, you could make them wait standing on the floor antennas or just on the line between the side antennas. In this way, by standing for some seconds or minutes on the floor antennas, you can be sure that each participant gets many more readings. Copérnico will be in charge of deciding which reading is best.
Floor antennas can be fit in this kind of race as long as as long as no sand, water, mud falls on top because it could affect the radiation performance of the antennas and also the readings.
Connect them to your TS2 device to set up timing points over the length that you require. As in other races, at the finish point, set up a second back-up line, placed 2m and 3m from the main line.
If ground conditions do not allow the use of floor antennas (irregularities, mud, wet sand…) use side antennas. With side antennas, you need to keep in mind which channels to use with each device if you have more than one device nearby, which may cause interference.
With the multisport chip, you need to make sure that the athletes do not pass through the last 30cm at the extremes of the timing points with floor antennas. If they do, their reading may not be registered. You can delimitate the passing area with fencing or you can also use cones, but don’t place them on the floor antennas.

Farinato OCR Series
Up to 13 races take place in Spain each year under the Farinato brand, these obstacle races are part of the OCR World Championship. Their races is not lacking in water, mud and even fire. The multisport chip used in this race proves its resistance up to the level of the participants of these races.
- Huesca (Spain)
- 10.000 participants
- Timed by
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